It has been a very busy May Bank Holiday weekend for Wensleydales at shows all over the Country.
Lovely to hear from Eileen Brooks, our most recent new member who took her black Wensleydale shearling Ram “Wassicks Little Bob” to his and Eileens first show this weekend at Herts Show. Eileen and Bob were placed 5th in a strong Longwool class but went on to strike her first Red Rosette in the large Wool on the Hoof section. Congratulations to them both and good luck for the rest of the season
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Also another new member Ali Parsons took her White Wensleydale Hogg ewes bought from Homefarm Wensleydales privately in 2018 for their first outing to Heathfield show. They were also joined by 3 Black Wensleydale Hogg ewes from Sandra Brown & Stella Cosgrove in very large and strong longwool class. Ali finished 2nd and 5th whilst Sandras Ewe was 4th.
Ali and her white shearling ewe went on to win the Wool on the Hoof Competition as well – congratulations!
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Finally at a very wet Northumberland County Show, Julie Pennell showed her own homebred white Hogg ewe to win and go Champion in the Any Other Rare Breed section.
Suffolk show this week with Wensleydale classes but please do keep sending results in –