AGM 2023

We held a very enjoyable lunch and AGM this afternoon at The Garden Rooms at Tennants, it was lovely to see a nice turnout and following the fairly straightforward business of the meeting it was chance for our President the Hon. Susan Cunliffe-Lister to present the trophies from the 2022 show season.

Pictures are Mark Elliott receiving the William Rhodes Trophy for Exhibitor gaining the most points in Wensleydale classes, Ali Parsons receiving the Earle Trophy for notable achievement in fleece classes and Rebecca Stacey receiving the Young Handlers Trophy via the power of Zoom.

Also awarded to the Stacey family was the Cornist Trophy for exhibitor gaining the most points from AOB classes and then finally the Ruth Pedley Memorial Trophy for outstanding achievement was awarded to John and Shelagh Prescott following their Overall Interbreed success at Melton Mowbray rare breed sale last September.

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