Nidderdale Show 2018

5 exhibitors forward saw a good show of Wensleydales yesterday (24/09/2018) at Pateley Bridge. Judged by Alan Duffield his Champion was found in Ernie Sherwin’s Ram Lamb. The full results were as follows

Ram Lamb
1. E.Sherwin 2. J Pennell 3. M.Elliott
1. M.Elliott 2. J Pennell
Ewe Lamb
1. E.Sherwin 2. J Pennell 3. L Beaton
Shearling or Ewe
1. E.Sherwin 2. L.Beaton 3. M.Elliott
Group of 3 (two females of different age and Male) 1. E.Sherwin 2. M.Elliott
Champion – E.Sherwin (Ram Lamb)
Reserve – E.Sherwin (Shearling)

Thanks to Melissa Peakman for this photo of the champion

(Click to enlarge)


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