A damp day at Nidderdale saw a good show of Wensleydales on Monday 25th September 2017 with 6 different breeders entered giving judge Mr John Prescott a good selection of sheep to choose amongst.
Mr Prescott found his champion in Ernie Sherwins’ Gimmer lamb and reserve champion fell to Mark Elliotts Aged Ram.
The Full results were as follows;
Ram Lamb; 1 .J.Pennell 2. L.Beaton 3. A.Fisher
Ram; 1. M.Elliott 2. A.Fisher 3. A.Fisher 4. L.Beaton
Ewe Lamb 1. E.Sherwin 2. J Pennell 3. J.Pennell
Ewe. 1. A.Fisher. 2. M.Elliott 3. J.Pennell
Champion; E.Sherwin Reserve Champion M.Elliott
Please click the photos to enlarge