Royal Norfolk Show 2018

Wensleydales were well represented with 5 breeders showing in the Any Other Longwool Section at this years Royal Norfolk Show against strong opposition from other longwool breeds.

With Sue Holdich’s shearling ram in full wool taking the Male Championship and Julie Pennells’ Shearling ewe in full wool taking the Female Championship making it

a Wensleydale only overall Championship which saw Julie Pennells’ Ewe take the Overall Championship.

Sue Holdich and Serena Plenderleith’s MV Accredited Shearling Ram in full wool and Shearling ewe in full wool represented the section in the Interbreed Pairs the next day and they were also 2nd and 3rd in the Wool on the Hoof classes.


Julie and Anna Pennells’ Overall Longwool Champion
Sue Holdich and Serena Plenderleith representing the Any Other Longwool section with their Wensleydale pair in the Interbreed Pairs competition.
Strong class of MV Accredited Shearling Rams in full wool
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