ANNUAL SHOW & SALE OF WENSLEYDALE SHEEP At the 130th Annual Show and Sale of Wensleydale Longwool Sheep held on behalf of the Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Breeders Association turned out a success again with both vendors and purchasers old and new arriving to Skipton Auction.
Show results –
Judges: Mrs J Ford
Shearling Ram
1st E Sherwin Lot 731 unsold
2nd E Sherwin Lot 729 sold for 600gns
3rd E Sherwin Lot 730 sold for 300gns
Ram Lamb
1st E Sherwin Lot 742 sold for 350gns
2nd N Oliver Lot 749 sold for 180gns
3rd J McHardy Lot 707 sold for 150gns
Champion Male – E Sherwin Lot 742
Reserve Male – E Sherwin Lot 731
Shearling Ewe
1st E Sherwin Lot 721 sold for 420gns
2nd E Sherwin Lot 722 sold for 350gns
3rd JA&F Elliott Lot 711 sold for 350gns
Ewe Lamb
1st J McHardy Lot 702 sold for 500gns
2nd J McHardy Lot 701 sold for 500gns
3rd TA McDonald Lot 723 sold for 200gns
Champion Female – J McHardy Lot 702
Reserve Female – E Sherwin Lot 721
Overall Champion – J McHardy Lot 702
Overall Reserve – E Sherwin Lot 742
Shearling Rams to 600gns av £303
Ram Lamb to 380gns av £169
Aged Ewe to 350gns av £247
Shearling Ewe to 420gns av £328
Ewe Lamb to 500gns av £297
Prices –
E Sherwin 600gns
J McHardy 500gns x2
JN&SM Prescott 450gns 400gns
AM Wilson 420gns