Successful Sale at Skipton 2021

ANNUAL SHOW & SALE OF WENSLEYDALE SHEEP At the 130th Annual Show and Sale of Wensleydale Longwool Sheep held on behalf of the Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Breeders Association turned out a success again with both vendors and purchasers old and new arriving to Skipton Auction.

Vendors from all over the UK turned up to trade their rams and females today. Top price today went to Ernie Sherwin, Bedale for his Shlg Tup that sold for 600gns. Other Shlg tups sold around the 200-450gn range. Ewes again sold well with both new and old purchasers after numbers and quality. Ewes topped at 350gns from A M Wilson, Freuchie other ewes sold from 200-300gns as a rule. 16 Tup Lambs sold today and topped again at 350gns with majority selling 120-220gns. Gimmer lands sold to a very nice trade with J McHardy, Fife selling his 2 lambs both at 500gns. A tremendous show and sheep with quality really selling well. Keep the quality coming forward.

Show results –
Judges: Mrs J Ford

Shearling Ram
1st E Sherwin Lot 731 unsold
2nd E Sherwin Lot 729 sold for 600gns
3rd E Sherwin Lot 730 sold for 300gns
Ram Lamb
1st E Sherwin Lot 742 sold for 350gns
2nd N Oliver Lot 749 sold for 180gns
3rd J McHardy Lot 707 sold for 150gns

Champion Male – E Sherwin Lot 742
Reserve Male – E Sherwin Lot 731

Shearling Ewe
1st E Sherwin Lot 721 sold for 420gns
2nd E Sherwin Lot 722 sold for 350gns
3rd JA&F Elliott Lot 711 sold for 350gns
Ewe Lamb
1st J McHardy Lot 702 sold for 500gns
2nd J McHardy Lot 701 sold for 500gns
3rd TA McDonald Lot 723 sold for 200gns

Champion Female – J McHardy Lot 702
Reserve Female – E Sherwin Lot 721

Overall Champion – J McHardy Lot 702
Overall Reserve – E Sherwin Lot 742

Shearling Rams to 600gns av £303
Ram Lamb to 380gns av £169
Aged Ewe to 350gns av £247
Shearling Ewe to 420gns av £328
Ewe Lamb to 500gns av £297

Prices –
E Sherwin 600gns
J McHardy 500gns x2
JN&SM Prescott 450gns 400gns
AM Wilson 420gns

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