Suffolk Show 2017 – Wensleydale classes

Congratulations to all the Wensleydale competitors who competed at the recent Suffolk County Show and to Mrs Plenderleith for taking Overall Champion and Mr Coe & Sons for Reserve Champion. The full results are as follows

Suffolk Show results 2017

596 – Aged Ram

  1. S Plenderleith
  2. A Coe & Son

597 – Shearling Ram

  1. S Holdich
  2. Wassicks Farm
  3. S Plenderleith
  4. Holdich

598 – Ram Lam

  1. A. Coe & Son
  2. Holdich

Champion Male – S.Plenderleith Aged Ram

Res. Champion Male – S.Holdich Shearling Ram

600 – Aged Ewe

  1. Plenderleith
  2. Holdich

601 – Yearling Ewe in Full Wool

  1. Holdich
  2. A. Coe & Son
  3. S Plenderleith
  4. Plenderleith
  5. Holdich

602- Shearling Ewe

  1. A Coe & Son
  2. Holdich
  3. Plenderleith
  4. Plenderleith

603 – Ewe Lamb

  1. A Coe & Son
  2. Plenderleith
  3. Holdich
  4. Plenderleith

604 – Group of three

  1. S Holdich

Champion Female – C.A. Coe & Son Shearling Ewe

Reserve Champion Female – S. Plenderleith – Aged Ewe

Champion – S.Plenderleith – Aged Ram

Reserve Champion – C. A. Coe & Son – Shearling ewe.

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